Below are links that might be of interest. Note, member web sites are not shown on this page but are shown under each member's entry on the Member List page
Buy Square Dance Music On-line - This page provides links to all known web sites where you can buy square dance music on line. Usually you can listen to a little of the music. Most files are MP3 files and are usually delivered immediately. Payment is usually by PayPal.
Inexpensive music - Starting in 2017 Lloyd Shaw music can be purchased at their Bandcamp store for $1.50 a tune with instant download. Also Buddy Weaver has $.99 hoedowns at his Rawhide site.
Square Dance History YouTube Channel - This channel showcases videos of historic square dances. The ones shot at the "Dare To Be Square" dance in November 2011, at the John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, NC provide great examples of traditional square dances that can be used at square dance partys. The callers are experts, the tunes used are usually specified, and in some cases the teaching of the dance has been videoed as well as the dance itself. The quality is very good with multiple cameras used in some cases. It is easy for a caller to learn a dance they have never done or one they have only read about in a book.
You 2 Can Dance A web site started in 2010 by ARTS Promoting Square, Round and Contra dancing. Helps people find dances and callers, cuers, and prompters in their area of the US.
United States Callers Associations - This is a page listing United States callers associations by state with their web sites where applicable. There is also a short list of umbrella callers organizations. - The site of the international Association of Square Dance Callers which holds (among other things) the widely accepted lists of calls that are in the Mainstream, Plus, A-1, A-2, C-1, C-2 and C-3A square dance programs.
Jim Penrod's caller teaching tips for the CALLERLAB Mainstream and Plus programs. - Vic and Debbie Ceder's Square Dance Resource Net. This site has many valuable pages including lists of singing and patter calls, which callers and record companies recorded them, and cue sheets to replace those that have been lost.
The Square Dance History Project - This site, in a museum multimedia format, offers a detailed discussion of the development of the square dance. There are videos (modern and historic), audios, and pointers to historic square dance publications.
Square Dance Live Recordings - Courtesy of Square Dance Foundation of New England and the Square Dance History Project, recordings of many hours of Modern Western Square dancing is available on the Internet Archive. Jim Mayo and Johnny Wedge digitized tape recordings donated to the SDFNE and David Millstone of the SDHP uploaded them to the Internet Archive. A partial index to these recordings which can be sorted by artist and tune is provided at the Internet Archive Square Dance Tapes Index. A second more compact index by tape tape number where information for each tape can be expanded is at Expand Internet Archive Square Dance Tapes Index
Kentucky Dance Foundation - The Kentucky Dance Foundation no longer seems to have a web site and this link points to a 2009 copy of the website kept on the Wayback Machine. The foundation is the home of Michael and Mary Herman's Folk Dancer records of which there are 28,400 different tunes. Many of these appear on the 63 CDs in their catalog (of which this is a 2009 copy) and many are on sale individually when available. In some cases music not already on CD but in their archive can be made available on special CDs. If you want folk dance music or music for traditional square dances this is the site to visit. You may still be able to reach the Foundation at 6290 Olin Road, Brandenburg, Kentucky 40108 or by email at Another contact is the Kentucky Dance Institute at 4207 Woodmont Park Ln, Louisville, KY 40245, 502-243-2256.
Many of the Michael Herman records can be heard at the Internet Archive International Folk Dance Site. - United Square Dancers of America, the "only national dancer's association organized by dancers for dancers and operated by dancers". - Roundalab index of rounds with cue sheets, phase markings, music, etc. - Roger Ward's site for round dance cue sheets. - Harold Sears" site which describes the figures for each phase and rhythm of round dance. - German round dance server containing cue sheets to many round dances.
Old Songs - Music With Roots - A website about traditional dancing and old time songs for groups based in the Albany, NY area. Some performers provide live music and even old time calling for traditional square dancing.
Sets In Order Magazines Index - This page is an index to the Sets In Order magazines in the digital archive of the University of Denver.
Sets In Order Year Book Index - This page is an index into the Sets In Order Year Books in the digital archive at the Square Dance Foundation of New England.
American Square Dance Magazine - This page can be used as an index into the collection of 775 issues of American Square Dance Magazine at the University of New Hampshire.
Squares and Rounds Magazine - This page is an index into a collection of Squares and Rounds magazine, a publication of the Mid East Pennsylvania District Federation of Deleware Valley Square and Round Dancers from 1975 to 1998.
Multi-Cycle Regional Plan to Provide a Dance Program Below Mainstream - This page describes how a club or a group of square dance clubs can increase their membership by supporting a dance Program below Mainstream using basically the same resources they now use to provide Mainstream classes. Dancers in this new Program become dancers in 3 weeks and a new class starts every 4 weeks so they can get their friends into a new class quickly. The dancers in this Program then become candidates for 8 week Mainstream classes.
Square Dance Sewing - Have questions about sewing for square dances outfits and accessories? This is the site for you
100 and more Square Through Equivalents - A list of square through equivalents based on a challenge given to a callers thread by Bob Elling in 2008.
Callarama Tutorials 1. Saving a Routine, 2. Creating an Alias, 3. Special Commands, 4. Modifying a Routine. These links bring up streaming videos explaining how to use Callarama, an interactive computer program which allows callers to practice their choreography.